Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Abington Abbey

From Walsh's History of the Irish Hierarchy:

Abbingdon Wotheny

This abbey was founded AD 1205 for Cistercian monks by Theobald FitzWalter, lord of Carrick and chief butler of Ireland, who richly endowed it and having died was interred here in 1206. It was supplied with monks from the abbey of Savigniac in France

AD 1228 William was abbot
AD 1290 the abbot having harbored the king's enemies was fined in the sum of sixty marcs
AD 1307 It appears the abbot of Abbingdon paid to the convent of Kells in Ossory the sum of 100s

John O'Mulryan was the last abbot. At the suppression of monasteries eleven rectories and fifteen townlands in the counties of Limerick and Kerry were granted at an annual rent of 57 2s 3d to Peter Walsh for ever in capite and who was by compact bound to maintain one horseman on the premises. April 1st, eighteenth of King James, Sir Edward Walsh, knight, was found to be seized of its possessions. In Spelman's history of sacrilege it is related that this family have gone to desolation.